


31 July 2004

!~happiest man in the world~!



Tuning to: jInYiNg'S bLoG de music

ops.. juz realised tat i have not been updatin my blog regularly.. kinda like.. too busy with my stuff? but my efforts neva realli did pay off.. wat a waste of time.. think abt it.. i spent the whole week working my extreme best for my block test.. in the end.. i did so shitty in my block test that i shit myself.. math.. was realli a let down.. i tot i realli understand wat miss neo is teachin.. but in the end.. i'm juz again.. lying to myself.. i m not focused enough in my studies.. chemistry.. dun say abt it.. i know i will get a fail grade without even wasting my effort for a second thought.. physics.. dun even mention it.. english.. muz brush up my re-phrasing of sentences.. social studies was alright.. history.. plain forgotten abt wat are the facts when i was sitting down for my test.. i think my parents, my teachers and me myself will b veri disappointed with the kind of grades i m getting... actualli.. frankly speaking.. i m realli disappointed with myself.. damn i muz realli get myself into the study mode... ARGH~!

i shall cut all the long winded stuff as wat has happened over the week.. today.. was the happiest day i can ever be in this yr.. apart from kah sin's bday.. i realli enjoyed my day.. yeah? today.. woke up early in the morning.. had a short chat with my dad b4 i go out... then waited the shit out of me when waitin for my oral examination.. it was again.. shitty.. damn it... wat's wrong with me~!? anyway.. other than all this.. i had a wonderful afternoon n evening today... thanks to 4 prson.. 1st is my dad.. the other 3 person.. i have no intention to reveal them.. u know who u r.. thanks... love ya guys..

my dad juz reached home and told me 2 things.. 1st.. he said he signed up a new starhub plan for faster internet connection thingy.. which will last for 2 years.. and upon signing it.. we will get a digital camera and a printer for free.. then i told my dad.. wa so good ahx.. then he say.. of course good la.. u are paying them for 2 years.. once u sign the contract u 'bo beh zao' (no ways of running away) haha... quite true isn't it.. 2nd.. is a joke.. true life account.. there is this guy who is a son of my father's friend.. they bought a new computer.. then he stupid stupid go and adjust the thing which tat will change the amt of current flowing to the computer.. normally it's 240.. then tat guy go adjust until 150.. when they tried to on the com.. BOOM~! the com blasted until the whole house is shaking.. haha.. there goes the new com.. and u know wad.. that stupid guy is a graduate... A GRADUATE~! mind u.. so much for the education that u received all these years.. think gonna end my entry here...

Hey~! misdemeanor: I WUN DIE~! I WUN~! U ARE~! bug off

Hey~! iceang: it's ji's fault lehx.. y like all ppl suaning mi when it's other ppl's fault.. diaox...

25 July 2004


Tuning to: the sounds from the tv and fan

shit shit shit.. tml is block test and i still heaven study for it.. damn.. been really busy lately.. but today.. is realli an unlucky day.. dunno wad's today sia.. go out perform.. beat drum until got blister.. tired.. come back home.. realised jiji take wrong key.. he take my house key.. damn.. rush all the way down to katong to take key from my mum.. then finalli.. i m back.. *tired*

yesterday went to tkss to do my art... brought back my art piece.. went out with misdemeanor.. she's a piece of crap mans.. but overall still can la.. pei me kill the time.. or else i will realli b rotting at home whole day.. had a long chat on the phone...... finalli got to know someone betta over the 3hrs talk.. gonna end here.. this time muz realli realli study liao.. or else die until like a piece of shit...

Hey~! misdemeanor: i have been slacking~! but today i will buck up de.. muahahahahaha.. i will sure get betta results than u... muahaha... u will die like a moron...

20 July 2004


*Tuning to:SlipKnoT - Me Inside*
have not been updating for around 5 days? i think it's exactly 5 days.. haha... hmm... been veri busy with my work these few days... homework.. lion dancing.. *tired* kinda tired with it but wat to do? i have chosen it... i can't juz run away juz like tat... hmm... can onli tahan until my 'O' levels are over.. then my whole life will b veri carefree~! free from books~! free from teachers~! so.. a note to all the peeps out there having 'O' levels this yr.. i mean in my class and the ppl around mi.. jia you for ur 'O' levels~! as for the rest.. fail like a motherfucker.. !~fail fail fail~! dun compete with us.. we will proceed to polytechnics~! so rgs ppl, dunman high ppl and those from top schools n independent school.. fail~! slack all ur life and die like a piece of faggot~! muahahaha... gonna end my entry here... got to rush for my art ler...
Hey~! YunFang`: i m not sotx ok~! i m perfectly fine~!
Hey~! Misdemeanor: i will neva lick ur boots.. and no one own me~! I M FOR MYSELF~! BUG OFF~!
Hey~! .mei.: wat txtbks  i have with u?? if it's my chem notes.. return it back to me~! if it's sec 4 books.. then burn it.. muahaha... juz tell mi wat izzit first b4 u burn.. muahaha....

15 July 2004

life's like tat...

*Tuning to:Avril Lavigne - Who knows*

been feeling veri down these few days.. thinkin... y do ppl wan to end their lives so easily? dun they realised tat it's a gift from heaven? <-- not from god though --> i dun blive in god and i think it's bullshit... i mean the god from christianity... i mean... who dun face obstacles in life? everyone does.. if u so happens to see this.. *u know who u r* treasure ur life.. remember what u promised to me..

have not been updating? was supposed to update yesterday but i was unlucky to return home with my bro lazing ard at home? damn... so i m here to update? but actualli... nth big happen these few days except for yesterday.. was really veri depressed.. but i think i got over it... i hope u does too... :) school was bored... but at the same time.. i have to start tryin not to sleep in class.. i m glad i didn't realli sleep in class today... juz kinda dozing off.. but it was yeo-chan's period.. who dun sleep? haha... need to buck up on my math n physics liao.. tonite's goin to b a long nite man.. there's this crazy girl.. she knew i lunked my physics n yet she purposely call mi teach her physics.. isn't she doin somethin stupid? hmm.. guess so... today was quite an enjoyable day though bad things happen to mi? hmm... got to be with someone who needed mi the most.. hope u can think it through.. things isn't wat u think... think gonna stop here.. realli nth to blog? haha..

Hey~! Ice Ang: I didn't say i m goin to buy something for u.. and u r not the special person~! *faints* give u 2.5K? fat hope mans.. if i have 2.5K i might as well keep it for myself.. haha..

Hey~! .LuViNa.: Thanks for dropping by.. :)


Hey~! YunFang`: sian ahx.. do something stupid la.. like... hmm... try to knock the front tooth off ur mouth by hitting urself with a book?

12 July 2004

*shit stuff brothers mans...*

Tuning in: SlipKnoT video - The Blister Exist*

recently have been reading other ppl's blog... found out tat everione's complainin about their brother~! i bet not all brothers are good aye? haha.. but i think if i have ekkawat as my bro.. i wun complain a thing.. seen how he treat his brothers.. think all bros should b like tat.. but unfortunately.. my bro isn't... argh~! fuck him...

aniway.. recently.. have been bloggin at a routine of 1 time per fortnight? juz kinda lazy to blog everiday.. haha... aniway.. yest.. went to hok san for training.. damn.. my 'lei gu' still have not improved abit... still so sucky... wonder how will i fare if realli got performance for me... diaox... but i wun have the chance~! YEAH~! haha.. so no need to fret so much... haha... YEAH~! then after trainin went to have dinner... went back.. pack some stuff... had a veri long chat session with ji n kevin.. craps and some serious stuff though... then at ard 5.. they have to leave... then i go walk ard chinatown.. lookin for some stuff.. but it isn't open yet.. so called someone *winks* had quite a long chat with her till my hp batt was emptied mans... damn it... then after askin go for the price for the stuff i wanted... went hm... so damn suey... baord the bus.. toss in the coin.. walked too fast.. didn't collect my ticket.. tot i wun b so unlucky to meet a bus conductor... fuck... it realli happened... tried to explain my way out... failed attempt... paid another 1 buck for the trip... damn... $1.60 on a damn bus ride... fuck... went hm... slacked... on the phone.. then ard 10.30 pm.. sleep...
this morn.. as usual.. woke up early... went to meet von.. but she was late.. real late.. so left with xiao zhu... then at sch... nth much happen.. juz a normal sch day.. but was amused alot by ken boon.. after sch.. damn he was hilarious.. the stage act in the school hall was playin somesort like the allah chants.. then he went nuts.. grabbin ppl like the terrorist.. demands for peace or else he will kill the hostages with his sword (his unbrella actualli) haha... then jian lu.. keep sayin.. i dun wan to die~! i dun wan to die~! haha.. damn.. the he lifted his shirt to reveal his belly ma.. then we dare him to walk like tat to other classes.. he went to other classes but too bad ms tay in there.. he cannot walk in... haha... then we dare him to do walk pass mr lee the discipline master with his revealed belly.. then he realli walked to him... haha... then mr lee looked at him.. then he k siao tucking in his shirt.. then mr lee walked away.. then mr tan came.. then dare him again to do tat shit again.. he stood there n mr tan juz stare at him like some idiot.. haha... wa lao.. so damn stupid.. laughed all the way through.. then after the english lesson.. wen to bugis with von n yunfang... but von pang seh us.. so we walk walk until no place to walk then go hm lo.. haha.. tat's should b all abt it.. damn.. got to save up 250 bucks to buy somethin.. for someone special.. hehe... save up mans~!

hey~! Misdemeanor:wad hagrid fat arse? shut up~!!! hahaha...

10 July 2004

*shit stuff*

*Tuning in to: SlipKnoT:IOWA - Skin Ticket*

boring~! these few days are boring... went to sch yesterday... still bored... a joke about my stupidity to share with u guys...

yesterday had PE... then after the 2.4km run... went to play soccer... got to b the goalie.. then once.. the guy ran towards me.. and shoot the ball... then i saved it beautifully... everione's like 'WAH~! eng hua so pro ahx..' next moment i was look for the ball due to the way i saved the ball i set it flying upwards... i didn't realise it until wai kok told mi 'qiu zai shang mian~!'... pok.. the ball hit my head and got into my own net~! i scored an own goal unknowingly~! it was too late react aniway... so decided to live with the joke.. haha... other than this.. no new happenings..

today went to school... bored~! but got to see her... hmm... happy i guess.. :) then went for english n math class then go hm le... actualli intend to send her hm de.. but.. no money.. n somemore the idea hit mi too late.. i was alreadi half way to my house.. heck... at least i m chatting with her onlin right now... hehe...

Hey~! zr: yeah~! electric guitar rocks~! try this guy by the name mick thompson from slipknot.. look wat he said.. this is his quote...

A rant from Mick Thomson: "Everyone has preconceived notions about SLIPKNOT, but if they actually shut up and listen to our records instead of running their mouths, they'd see there's more there than they ever realized. But everybody is a critic — especially when you wear a mask onstage! But this is really about playing for yourself and making yourself happy. Don't worry about what people think. Don't worry about sounding like this or that. Don't worry about looking cool. I never looked cool. I just sat in my room my whole life playing guitar, and now I'm making a living at it. And I never wanted a career in music. I played guitar because I loved the instrument. So when people play guitar for just four years, and their bands are opening our shows, I think it's funny. I can't help but think, 'I've been playing for 20 years. You picked up the guitar four years ago, and now you're in a band and you have t-shirts. Nice. Your music reflects that, but, hey, whatever. "

Hey~! Yichiko:Alamak.. ok la.. call mi wateva u wan.. now even fabian tat gang (5A ppl)thinks tat i look like hagrid... damn...

Hey~! WanLing: Wat's wrong with my music??

Hey~! YunFang`: sorry i made ur bro wake up and kpkb.. but it's more important for mi to spread the (sic)ness around.. ya know.. haha...

08 July 2004


today's kinda bored mans...same old routine... wake up sch... sch ... sch... then go home... damn... bored... my life's so bored... neva realise tat reformatting a com can ba a piece of cake... my bro juz told mi the previous day tat the com will b reformatted and then now... it's alreadi the second day in use... hmm... haha....

this morning.. wake up.. was lazy to walk to school.. somemore not meeting von.. so decided to take a cab to school.. then got one sec 1 xiao di di.. while i was waiting for the cab.. he crossed the road from the opposite and stood in front of mi.. i was like wat the fuck? tryin to snatch taxi in front of mi.. but heck la... nvm.. then not long after.. a cab came n the little xiao di di flagged for the cab.. for some unforseen reasons.. the uncle neva see him flaggin n i was like grab the chance to flag the cab down.. then when i got into the cab.. heard the xiao di di shout 'wa lao eh'~!... haha.. think he's too short.. n somemore so small no one can see him... muahahax... school was a bore.. dun wish to bore all of u by mentioning wat's goin on in the class.. then after school... had lunch with mong.. then waited for someone then pei her go hm... :D

hey~! Yichiko: I M NOT HAGRID~! I M NOT HAGRID~!
hey~! Zhen Ru: rock is neva gonna beat metal~! it's the way of life~! listen to some metal~!
hey~! eKkAwAt: sorry for wad happened in class today.. about the eraser thingy... realli sorry dude...
hey~! Misdemeanor: I OWN U NOW~! as what zhen ru said.. U R A RIVAL OF MINE~! travis is juz nobody mans... joey rulex the drummer world~! who needs travis when u have joey~!
hey~! ice: sometimes.. i juz hate u... muahahaha...

06 July 2004

lalala~! my bro is a dumbass !~lalala

hmm... started my day off waking up at 5.15am? actualli is stay in the bed till 5.45am la... then got everithin set n readi to go.. went to aljunied mrt.. met von... then go to sch... boring day~! slept for the first 4 periods... nice weather.. damn nice to sleep... got up.. got smacked by mr tan.. 'dun sleep leh'... the first thing i heard from a teacher in school today... haha... after school.. went off hunting for a mask.. with jasmine... damn walked a veri long way to the house of costumes.. damn.. they onli rent masks n not sell them... wat the hell.. nvm.. went back to bugis... shared money with jas.. bought a slipknot shirt... thanks jas~! owe u one.. then went home le... tml.. will b a boring day too... but i dun think things will turn out as bored as i expected? hmm...

you now wat... bcoz of a minor prob... my bro told mi.. eh... u betta save all ur things in the com.. i goin to reformat the com tml... wth.. small prob nia... ... dumb...

hey you guys out there.. know of a place tat sells masks? notify me~! thanks zhen ru for givin the info abt lips at far east~!

05 July 2004

spiderman 2.. woo hoo~!

woke up real early in the morning... ard 5.15am? my daily routine ma.. thanks to evonne~! now i m a morning freak... shit mans... woke up so early tat i decided to do something to my horrible blog.. did the table thingy... quite satisfied with it? but it's kinda strange... i think.. but j.Lo say it's nice.. overall.. thanks... then was hooked on the com till... 11.45am? went to had a bath then got out of the house.. went to meet claris n jamine mong.. went to bugis then walk walk here walk walk there... damn... there sure is alot of manjusrians in bugis.. dunno y manjusrians like to frequent there... mayb i m one of them too? *shrugs* haha.. but i dun think so.. i find bugis rather... boring... keep goin to same old places.. buay sian mehx? somemore singapore is so small... where to go? then went to shaw.. get tics for spiderman 2... the show was rather nice.. n at the same time entertaining? quite a few scene we can hear laughter comin from the audience.. after the show... hmm.. went to suntec.. saw a friend of mine which i lost contact with... think is zi guang or something like tat... then walk to citilink.. to cityhall mrt... then send claris home.. as jamine go meet her stead... on the way.. lost of craps n metal stuff.. haha.. as usual... then went hm.. on the way.. thought of how to change myself in terms of mentally n appearance... got a few ideas.. it should work out rather well... then on the bis trip home.. overheard 2 womens' gossip... abt how unfilial is her sister... hear already.. can't stop myself from thinkin.. will i be like tat when i grow up... hope not... n i wil make sure i will not b like tat... overall.. parents gave birth to us.. no matter how much grudges we have with them... they are still our parents.. i believe u guys know this right? without them... we wun b wat we are today... got to go have dinner.. n off i go to my studies again... muz realli buck up n stop my slackin attitude...

04 July 2004

*in deep thoughts*

Just realised that I have bluffing all my life through. Events that happens these few days lead me into deep thoughts. Very very deep thoughts... I gave you up not because I don't like you anymore. I still like you for who you are, but realised that it will be better off if we remain as friends. I will still like you until the day when the feelings really fade off. About the previous blog's title, it's a big lie. I don't want to be such a bastard like what my brother did to some girls out there and hurt them. If I ever do that, i'm no better than him n I will have no reasons to hate him. I am actually very confused over these few days, physically and mentally. I'm just not the way I am I used to be. I'm truthful in the past and now what am I doing? I'm just bluffing all my life away. I thought I could get away just by bluffing. But all in all, that same old problem will still come back again. I'm am a wimp, I don't dare to face the music. I'm putting up a brave front as if there's nothing much happen, but actually... it's just the surface. I hate myself, I can't seems to get things right in my life. Nothing is going smoothly for me, even for the smallest things that can occur in my life and I always have to ruin it. I kept on telling others the same old thing, to face problem and not run away from it, but I am just not applying it to myself. All my life, I have been giving problems to my family and friends. I am not a good friend to start with. I can't even handle my own life, let alone helping a friend. I wish i could do something nice, something really nice for all my friends out there who have been always by my side when i needed them but mostly, I bottled up all my problems. Thinking that I can handle it. BULLSHIT. I wish I could go back to my old self, but I doubt I can. Maybe when the day really comes, you will see me lying on my death bed. I really need to do a lot of soul searching these few days. I never wanted this kind of life.

I swear upon heaven and earth, god and goddess, that I will not lie about another thing in my life.

And lastly, to all my friends out there who have been there for me when I m in need, you are not forgotten. THANK YOU! One day, you will receive something nice from me. If I can...

01 July 2004

20th day...50-50...

my heart now is 50-50... 50 on xxx n 50 on another xxx... m i a flirt? yes i m~! muahaha... that's wat everione says... i admit it.. i m a flirt... so wat.. at least i dun go ard liking everione... ... i'm a piece of shit... tat's all i can say... fuck mi... fuck myself... i'm a loser~!

haix... 3rd day of sch... si bei sian... realli nth to blog de lehx... but today... ok la... quite a nice weather... good to sleep but cannot sleep... haha... muz work hard... overall... a nice day but quite alot of things happen... dun wish to mention abt it? haha... guess doesn't wan to upset someone... she might see this... haha.... some one complains tat my blog entries are... hmm.... short? or rather i will say sometimes i m realli lazy to blog?? haha... short description will do right? aniway i dun realli need to list out everithin i do in the day right?? mayb i juz treat this as a place where i vent my anger n my frustration on?? haha... or i juz create this thing for fun?? oh well... cut the craps... oh well... but today... didn't realli have a smooth day but overall can la... one other thing tat i m overjoyed abt... MY GOD DAMN ASSHOLE BROTHER IS OUT OF TOWN~~!!! with my parents to segamat, malaysia to see my grandmother... she's kinda sick... real sick.. so wonder how's she right now... hope everithin is fine... *prays*